PyMOTW: exceptions =================== .. currentmodule:: exceptions * 模块: exceptions * 目的: excpetions模块定义了在整个标准库和解释器中使用的内置错误. * python版本: 1.5+ 描述 ----- Python之前就支持将简单的字符串信息和类一样作为异常. 从Python 1.5开始, 所有的标准库模块使用类作为异常. 而从Python 2.5开始, 字符串的异常会导致一个DeprecationWarning, 而对于字符串异常的支持会在未来的版本中去掉. 基类 ----- 在标准库文档的描述中, 异常类以分层结构定义. 这样做除了结构清晰之外, 异常的继承关系也很有用, 可以通过捕获基类的异常来捕获相关的异常. 大部分情况下, 这些基类异常不会直接被引发. BaseException ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 所有异常的基类. 实现逻辑为使用 ``str()`` 将传给构造函数的参数创建为一个异常的字符串表达式. Exception ~~~~~~~~~~ 不会导致运行的应用程序退出的异常的基类. 所有用户自定义的异常应该使用Exception作为基类. StandardError ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 在标准库中使用的内置异常的基类. ArithmeticError ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 数学相关错误的基类. LookupError ~~~~~~~~~~~ 因无法找到某些东西产生的错误的基类. EnvironmentError ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 因Python之外的原因(操作系统, 文件系统, 等等)产生的错误的基类. 异常的引发 ------------- AssertionError ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 一个AssertionError由一个失败的 ``assert`` 语句引发. :: assert False, 'The assertion failed' $ python Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 12, in assert False, 'The assertion failed' AssertionError: The assertion failed 也可以在 :mod:`unittest` 模块中像 ``failIf()`` 一样使用. .. code-block:: python import unittest class AssertionExample(unittest.TestCase): def test(self): self.failUnless(False) unittest.main() :: $ python F ====================================================================== FAIL: test (__main__.AssertionExample) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 17, in test self.failUnless(False) AssertionError ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Ran 1 test in 0.000s FAILED (failures=1) AttributeError ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 若引用一个属性或对一个属性赋值时发生错误, 则会引发AttributeError. 例如, 当引用一个不存在的属性时: .. code-block:: python class NoAttributes(object): pass o = NoAttributes() print o.attribute :: $ python Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 16, in print o.attribute AttributeError: 'NoAttributes' object has no attribute 'attribute' 或者尝试修改一个只读属性: .. code-block:: python class MyClass(object): @property def attribute(self): return 'This is the attribute value' o = MyClass() print o.attribute o.attribute = 'New value' :: $ python This is the attribute value Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 20, in o.attribute = 'New value' AttributeError: can't set attribute EOFError ~~~~~~~~~ 当一个内置函数, 如 ``input()`` 或 ``raw_input()``, 直到输入流的结尾也没有读到任何数据时, 会引发EOFError异常. 而对于文件的方法, 如 ``read()``, 如果文件为空, 则会在文件末尾处返回一个空字符串. .. code-block:: python while True: data = raw_input('prompt:') print 'READ:', data :: $ echo hello | python PyMOTW/exceptions/ prompt:READ: hello prompt:Traceback (most recent call last): File "PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 13, in data = raw_input('prompt:') EOFError: EOF when reading a line FloatingPointError ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 若浮点异常控制(fpectl)启用, 则会在浮点运算出错时引发FloatingPointError. 启用:mod:`fpectl` 需要有 ``--with-fpectl`` 选项编译的解释器. :mod:`fpectl` `在stdlib文档 中不推荐使用。` .. code-block:: python import math import fpectl print 'Control off:', math.exp(1000) fpectl.turnon_sigfpe() print 'Control on:', math.exp(1000) GeneratorExit ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 若调用generator的 ``close()`` 方法, 则在generator内引发GeneratorExit异常. .. code-block:: python def my_generator(): try: for i in range(5): print 'Yielding', i yield i except GeneratorExit: print 'Exiting early' g = my_generator() print g.close() :: $ python Yielding 0 0 Exiting early IOError ~~~~~~~~~ 输入或输出失败时引发IOError. 例如, 磁盘已满或输入文件不存在. .. code-block:: python f = open('/does/not/exist', 'r') :: $ python Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 12, in f = open('/does/not/exist', 'r') IOError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/does/not/exist' ImportError ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 当一个模块, 或者模块的成员, 不能被引入时引发ImportError. 以下是几种可能引发ImportError的情况. 1. 若一个模块不存在. .. code-block:: python import module_does_not_exist :: $ python Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 12, in import module_does_not_exist ImportError: No module named module_does_not_exist 2. 若执行了 ``from X import Y``, 而X模块中不存在Y, 则引发ImportError. .. code-block:: python from exceptions import MadeUpName :: $ python Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 12, in from exceptions import MadeUpName ImportError: cannot import name MadeUpName IndexError ~~~~~~~~~~~ 当引用的序列下标越界时引发IndexError. .. code-block:: python my_seq = [ 0, 1, 2 ] print my_seq[3] :: $ python Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 13, in print my_seq[3] IndexError: list index out of range KeyError ~~~~~~~~~ 类似地, 当一个字典中的键无法找到时引发KeyError. .. code-block:: python d = { 'a':1, 'b':2 } print d['c'] :: $ python Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 13, in print d['c'] KeyError: 'c' KeyboardInterrupt ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~` KeyboardInterrupt发生在用户按下Ctrl-C(或Delete)使一个正在运行的程序停止时. 和大部分别的异常不同, KeyboardInterrupt直接继承了BaseException, 以防止其被用来捕获Exception的全局异常处理器捕获. .. code-block:: python try: print 'Press Return or Ctrl-C:', ignored = raw_input() except Exception, err: print 'Caught exception:', err except KeyboardInterrupt, err: print 'Caught KeyboardInterrupt' else: print 'No exception' 在提示符下按下Ctrl-C导致KeyboardInterrupt异常. :: $ python PyMOTW/exceptions/ Press Return or Ctrl-C: ^CCaught KeyboardInterrupt MemoryError ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 如果程序用完了内存并且有可能恢复(例如, 通过删除某些对象)时, 引发MemoryError. .. code-block:: python import itertools # Try to create a MemoryError by allocating a lot of memory l = [] for i in range(3): try: for j in itertools.count(1): print i, j l.append('*' * (2**30)) except MemoryError: print '(error, discarding existing list)' l = [] :: $ python PyMOTW/exceptions/ 0 1 0 2 0 3 python(13482) malloc: *** mmap(size=1073745920) failed (error code=12) *** error: can't allocate region *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug (error, discarding existing list) 1 1 1 2 1 3 python(13482) malloc: *** mmap(size=1073745920) failed (error code=12) *** error: can't allocate region *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug (error, discarding existing list) 2 1 2 2 2 3 python(13482) malloc: *** mmap(size=1073745920) failed (error code=12) *** error: can't allocate region *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug (error, discarding existing list) NameError ~~~~~~~~~~ 若代码引用当前作用域下不存在的名字, 则引发NameError. 例如, 一个不存在的变量名. .. code-block:: python def func(): print unknown_name func() :: $ python Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 15, in func() File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 13, in func print unknown_name NameError: global name 'unknown_name' is not defined NotImplementedError ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 用户自定义基类可以引发NotImplementedError来模拟 *接口* , 意思是一个方法或行为需要在子类中定义. .. code-block:: python class BaseClass(object): """Defines the interface""" def __init__(self): super(BaseClass, self).__init__() def do_something(self): """The interface, not implemented""" raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__.__name__ + '.do_something') class SubClass(BaseClass): """Implementes the interface""" def do_something(self): """really does something""" print self.__class__.__name__ + ' doing something!' SubClass().do_something() BaseClass().do_something() :: $ python SubClass doing something! Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 27, in BaseClass().do_something() File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 18, in do_something raise NotImplementedError(self.__class__.__name__ + '.do_something') NotImplementedError: BaseClass.do_something OSError ~~~~~~~~ OSError是为 :mod:`os` 模块服务的错误类, 当一个系统相关的函数返回错误时引发. .. code-block:: python import os for i in range(10): print i, os.ttyname(i) :: $ python 0 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 15, in print i, os.ttyname(i) OSError: [Errno 25] Inappropriate ioctl for device OverflowError ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 当一个算术操作超过了变量类型的限制时, 引发OverflowError. 长整型会在其值增加时分配更多的空间, 因此会最终引发MemoryError. 浮点数的异常处理不是标准化的, 所以不会检查浮点数. 普通的整数在需要时会被转化为长整型. .. code-block:: python import sys print 'Regular integer: (maxint=%s)' % sys.maxint try: i = sys.maxint * 3 print 'No overflow for ', type(i), 'i =', i except OverflowError, err: print 'Overflowed at ', i, err print print 'Long integer:' for i in range(0, 100, 10): print '%2d' % i, 2L ** i print print 'Floating point values:' try: f = 2.0**i for i in range(100): print i, f f = f ** 2 except OverflowError, err: print 'Overflowed after ', f, err :: $ python Regular integer: (maxint=2147483647) No overflow for i = 6442450941 Long integer: 0 1 10 1024 20 1048576 30 1073741824 40 1099511627776 50 1125899906842624 60 1152921504606846976 70 1180591620717411303424 80 1208925819614629174706176 90 1237940039285380274899124224 Floating point values: 0 1.23794003929e+27 1 1.53249554087e+54 2 2.34854258277e+108 3 5.5156522631e+216 Overflowed after 5.5156522631e+216 (34, 'Result too large') ReferenceError ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 当使用:mod:`weakref` 代理访问已经被作为垃圾回收的对象时, 引发ReferenceError. .. code-block:: python import gc import weakref class ExpensiveObject(object): def __init__(self, name): = name def __del__(self): print '(Deleting %s)' % self obj = ExpensiveObject('obj') p = weakref.proxy(obj) print 'BEFORE:', obj = None print 'AFTER:', :: $ python BEFORE: obj (Deleting <__main__.ExpensiveObject object at 0x844f0>) AFTER: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 26, in print 'AFTER:', ReferenceError: weakly-referenced object no longer exists RuntimeError ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ RuntimeError在没有其它具体的异常可用时被引发. 解释器本身并不会经常引发这个异常, 但是一些用户代码可能会. StopIteration ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 当一个迭代器完成后, 它的 ``next()`` 方法引发StopIteration. 这个异常不被认为是错误. .. code-block:: python l=[0,1,2] i=iter(l) print i print print print print :: $ python 0 1 2 Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 19, in print StopIteration SyntaxError ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 分析器发现无法理解的源码时引发SyntaxError. 可能是在引入一个模块, 调用exec, 或 ``eval()`` 时发生. 异常的属性确切找到输入的哪一部分导致了异常. .. code-block:: python try: print eval('five times three') except SyntaxError, err: print 'Syntax error %s (%s-%s): %s' % \ (err.filename, err.lineno, err.offset, err.text) print err :: $ python Syntax error (1-10): five times three invalid syntax (, line 1) SystemError ~~~~~~~~~~~~ 解释器本身发生错误, 并且有可能继续正常运行时, 引发SystemError. SystemError可能表示解释器本身的bug, 并且需要报告给维护者. SystemExit ~~~~~~~~~~~ 当调用sys.exit()时, 引发SystemExit, 而不是立即退出. 这样允许 ``try:finally`` 代码块的完成清理工作, 以及调用者(比如调试器和测试框架)捕获异常, 从而避免退出. TypeError ~~~~~~~~~~ 连接类型不正确的对象, 或使用类型不正确的对象调用函数时, 引发TypeError. .. code-block:: python result = ('tuple',) + 'string' :: $ python Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 12, in result = ('tuple',) + 'string' TypeError: can only concatenate tuple (not "str") to tuple UnboundLocalError ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UnboundLocalError是NameError的一种, 针对本地变量名. .. code-block:: python def throws_global_name_error(): print unknown_global_name def throws_unbound_local(): local_val = local_val + 1 print local_val try: throws_global_name_error() except NameError, err: print 'Global name error:', err try: throws_unbound_local() except UnboundLocalError, err: print 'Local name error:', err 全局NameError和UnboundLocal的区别是使用变量名的方式. 因为变量名"local_val"出现在表达式的左边, 所以被解释为一个本地变量名. :: $ python Global name error: global name 'unknown_global_name' is not defined Local name error: local variable 'local_val' referenced before assignment UnicodeError ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UnicodeError是ValueError的子类, 当出现Unicode问题时引发. UnicodeError有不同的子类: UnicodeEncodeError, UnicodeDecodeError和UnicodeTranslateError. ValueError ~~~~~~~~~~~ 当一个函数得到一个类型正确但是非有效值时, 引发ValueError. .. code-block:: python print chr(1024) :: $ python Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 12, in print chr(1024) ValueError: chr() arg not in range(256) ZeroDivisionError ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 当0作为一个除法操作的分母时, 引发ZeroDivisionError. .. code-block:: python print 1/0 :: $ python Traceback (most recent call last): File "/Users/dhellmann/Documents/PyMOTW/in_progress/exceptions/PyMOTW/exceptions/", line 12, in print 1/0 ZeroDivisionError: integer division or modulo by zero Warning列表 -------------- 还有一些异常用来在:mod:`warnings` 模块中使用. - Warning: 所有警告的基类. - UserWarning: 所有来自用户代码的警告的基类. - DeprecationWarning: 用在不再被维护的特性上. - PendingDeprecationWarning: 用在很快就会不推荐使用的特性上. - SyntaxWarning: 用在值得商榷的表达式上. - RuntimeWarning: 运行时可能发生问题的事件的警告. - FutureWarning: 对于语言或库的改变会在之后实现时警告. - ImportWarning: 导入一个模块的问题的警告. - UnicodeWarning: 关于unicode文本的问题的警告. 参考 ------ * `exceptions `_